As part of its various extension programs, the University of the Philippines Institute of Islamic Studies headed by Dean Macrina Hannah Morados together with the RESKYU members UP IIS student volunteers, distributed Ramadan relief packs to the Muslim women inmates of Camp Karingal and Manila City Jail Muslim Women PDLs for their Ramadan meals.

Sponsored by UP IIS long-time partners and other individuals, these relief goods also benefited the UP IIS students who reside in Muslim compound and are financially challenged caused by the ongoing pandemic; UP Diliman Muslim security guards; and other Muslim beneficiaries in Muslim compound Barangay Culiat.

Also, the daily iftar meals of U PIIS students for the whole month of Ramadan were shouldered by the UP IIS and have been doing free iftar distributions to selected beneficiaries in the Muslim compound. This activity catches the attention of some Inter-faith community organizations and other individuals who have then extended their willingness to partner with the UP IIS to specifically help Muslims at the grassroot level to harmoniously observe their Ramadan fasting amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This is an advocacy that brings people with the common aspirations together for the common good of people.     

