On February 21, 2022, The Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (Etidal) together with Telegram confirmed their commitment to bolster their partnership in preventing and countering violent extremism (PCVE). Their agreement and commitment will last for three years that focuses on the removal of Arabic extremist contents in Telegram.


During their implementation, 672,972 extremist contents and links were removed on Telegram and public Telegram channels that were ranging from PDF files, videos, and audio recordings. Those content came from the main focus of the agreement on three major terrorists’ organizations which are the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Hayat Tarir al-Sham (A Sunni Islamist militant group), and Al-Qaeda.


Etidal Secretary-General, Dr. Mansour Al-Shammari, underscored the center’s support and commitment for Telegram in countering extremist content on its platform. Meanwhile, a Telegram representative said that terrorism and propaganda of violence have no place in their platform and they are continuously improving their tools and procedures for their platform to stay free of abuse.