The Standard reported that Muslim scholars from Egypt and Kenya has teamed up to conduct a countrywide campaign against violent extremism among youth. Said drive aims to discourage the youth from engaging in terrorism. The youth, particularly the jobless, the scholars said, have been targeted for violent extremism.


The scholars, who are facilitated by the Egyptian Embassy, have held sessions in Lamu, Malindi and Mombasa in the campaign that has taken more than a month. The Egyptian Embassy, in partnership with Masjid Shibu in Mombasa, held a religious teaching session to urge youth to denounce violent extremism, saying it was against Islam. The embassy has been facilitating the teachings dubbed ‘Renouncing Violence and Extremism in Islam’ in mosques countrywide.


Sheikh Attia Abdrabou from Al-Azhar Al-Sharif University, who was the main speaker, said Islam did not allow extremism. Sheikh Abdrabou urged Muslims to use Islam to provide impetus for the human pursuit of knowledge in science. “Islam is a peaceful religion that preaches love and forgiveness. The youths should shun extremism and embrace love and respect to the human race,” Abdrabou said at the Masjid Shibu.


He said it was only through science that Covid-19 would be defeated, and urged the Muslims to follow set protocols to stem the spread of the disease.


Shibu mosque administrator and Madrasa teacher Mohamed Shebah urged the youth not to allow themselves to be misled by those who want to make money from chaos. He said Islam should help counter terrorism to ensure peace and growth in society. “Islam is not a religion of extremism and it does not encourage bloodshed. So I encourage youth to come out openly and disregard any extremism teachings,” said Shebah.He urged youth to prepare to take over from the older generation and preach peace to ensure continuity of the human race. 


“When we live in peace, the business will thrive, children will go to school without fear and everyone will be at ease. But if acts of terrorism are entertained, then we are bound to fail in several aspects of life,” said Shebah.


He said Islam seeks to ensure everyone is bound to live and operate in a peaceful environment without fear.