Toxic positivity refers to the practice of constantly emphasizing the positive and downplaying or ignoring the negative. It is often characterized by phrases such as “think positive,” “look on the bright side,” and “keep a smile on your face.” While positivity is generally a good thing, toxic positivity can be harmful to both individuals and society.

One of the main problems with toxic positivity is that it can invalidate people’s feelings and experiences. When someone is going through a difficult time and is told to “just think positive,” it can make them feel like their emotions and struggles are not being acknowledged or understood. This can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection, and can make it harder for that person to work through their problems and find solutions.

Another problem with toxic positivity is that it can create unrealistic expectations. When people are constantly told to focus on the positive and ignore the negative, they may start to believe that they should always be happy and that negative emotions are somehow “wrong.” This can lead to feelings of guilt and shame when people inevitably experience sadness, anger, or other negative emotions.

In addition to these individual effects, toxic positivity can also have negative consequences for society as a whole. When people are encouraged to ignore or downplay problems, they may be less likely to take action to address them. This can lead to issues being swept under the rug and not being dealt with effectively. Furthermore, by promoting the idea that negative emotions are something to be ashamed of, toxic positivity can discourage people from seeking help when they need it.

While positivity is generally a good thing, toxic positivity can be harmful to both individuals and society. It can invalidate people’s feelings, create unrealistic expectations, and discourage people from taking action to address problems. Instead of promoting toxic positivity, it’s important to acknowledge and validate people’s emotions, and to work together to address problems in a realistic and effective way.