The Dawn News reported that Pakistan’s national coordinator Mehr Khaliq Dad Lak presented the draft National Cou­nter Violent Extremism Policy of Pak­istan (NCVEP 2021) on December 14 to Pakistan Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed for approval.


Before finalizing the draft, the NACTA said it held provincial consultations with representatives of various segments of society, including academics, journalists, experts and members of civil society, in the past three months.


More than 250 relevant contacts and stakeholders from federal and provincial governments were engaged for their valuable contribution and inputs to the policy. This was in addition to three months of hard work by researchers and experts presently serving in Nacta who worked on the draft.


The draft NCEVP 21 comprises two parts. The first part is the NCVEP 2021 itself while the second part is the national implementation and institutionalization plan of the policy that clearly mentions the roles and responsibilities of various implementers and their supporting stakeholders along with key performance indicators under policy targets.


The NACTA believes the draft NCVEP 2021 is a major national policy document that would keep on evolving and improving with the passage of time.

