The National Commission on Muslim Filipinos, thru its Bureau of External Relations, posted in their Facebook account the successful conduct of the Muslim Youth Leadership Training Camp at Megas World Hotel, San Miguel, Digos City from July 19 to 20, 2022.

Said activity was done in collaboration with the Provincial Government of Davao del Sur and Salam DavSur, with the theme, “Responsible Youth Leadership Towards a Peaceful and Progressive Society”. It was attended by forty-eight participants from Digos City and Municipalities of Hagonoy and Sta. Cruz.

The activity was able to highlight discussions on the Correct Islamic Aqidah and its significance to Islam; Basic Principles of Leadership in Islam; the Bangsamoro Historical Perspective; the Muslim Youth in Contemporary Society and the an Overview of the Provincial Anti-Drug Program. Said topics were discussed by prominent Muslim scholars and key speakers namely Alim Muslimin Amiril, Alim Abdulrahman Caderao, Chief Buat, and Mr.  Francisco Ray Banlasan

The workshops aimed at discussing the roles of Muslim youth in unity, peace and development; the issues and problems they encountered; and the solutions and recommendations to said problems then followed.

The concluding activity was a plenary session where the participants were grouped to formulate programs and projects, which are relevant and plausible to be implemented in their communities.

As a closing program, a solidarity message was delivered by Datu Leopoldo Lalang, Chairman of Davao Sur Muslim Communities Federation.

We at Mustaqim congratulates the NCMF for their sustained and continuous programs on peace and education for all Muslim FIlipinos.