Muslim Filipinos from all over the country celebrated on Septemeber 14  as the Supreme Court received the appointment of Japar Dimaampao, a Meranao Muslim hailing from Marawi CIty.


President Rodrigo Duterte appointed Dimaampao as a new justice of the Supreme Court and was recognized as the second Muslim to be appointed in said high court after retired justice Abdulwahid Bidin, who was appointed in 1987.


According to law professor Tony La Viña, Dimaampao is the best qualified for said position, basing it from his competence, integrity, and independence. Also, La Viña pointed out that Dimaampao, being a Muslim and a Meranao, shows that said constituencies are well represented in the high court.


Dimaampao has been advocating for the creation of a Shari’ah Appellate Court which would be given the jurisdiction over cases involving persons, family and property relations of Muslims in the country.


We are one with the Filipino Muslims in recognizing this momentous event. We are also glad that the Philippines continues to acknowledge our talented and intellectual Muslims from all fields and disciplines. May this be an inspiration for all Filipino Muslims to aspire for higher knowledge and work hard and help in our nation building.