Mustaqim is an Arabic word which means ‘straight’ or ‘correct’. The word can be found in Surah Al-Fatihah or Chapter of The Opener which is the first and opening chapter in the Holy Qur’an. Specifically, the word can be derived from one of the chapter’s verses titled “Ihdina Siratal Mustaqim” which can be translated to “Guide us to the Straight Path”. Muslims accord this verse with utmost importance, starting their prayers and other religious activities with this supplication.

We aim to serve as a venue where the Filipino people could understand and know each other better by delving into topics on peace that would establish a common ground.
We believe that Islam should be properly introduced to the non-Muslims to eradicate misinterpretations and at the same time, it should be reinvigorated among the Muslims to fight against its false interpretations.

It is our goal to contribute to the aspirations of the Filipino people to achieve lasting peace.

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(Coming soon!) – We are in the process of bringing to you a catalog of credible information on peace from the comforts of your mobile devices through a mobile application.