Fleeing one’s homeland is a decision no one makes lightly. For me, it was a matter of survival – a journey that tested my strength, resilience, and hope. This is the story of my journey to safety, a path marked by fear, uncertainty, and ultimately, the unwavering desire to build a new life.

The Beginning: Leaving Home

My journey began with the most painful decision of my life – leaving the place I had always called home. I had a life filled with familiar faces, a routine that brought comfort, and a community that gave me a sense of belonging. But as the genocide escalated and danger became an everyday reality, staying was no longer an option. The sounds of gunfire, the sight of destruction, and the constant fear for my family’s safety left us with no choice but to leave.

Leaving wasn’t just about abandoning our home; it was about leaving behind memories, dreams, and a sense of identity. We become part of the countless others who had been displaced, stripped of normalcy we once took for granted. Our only goal was survival, even if it meant stepping into the unknown.

The Journey: Navigating the Unknown

The journey to safety was fraught with challenges. We travelled through unfamiliar areas, often with little more than the clothes on our backs. There were days when we walked for hours on end, unsure of where we would find shelter or our next meal. The nights were the hardest-sleeping under the open sky, huddled together for warmth, all the while praying that we would make it to the next day.

The fear of the unknown was our constant companion. We encountered obstacles that seemed insurmountable-closed borders, harsh weather, and, at times, the hostility of those who saw us as a burden. But through it all, we found strength in each other. The kindness of strangers along the way, who offered food, water, or simply a word of encouragement, kept our spirits alive.

The Shelter: A New Reality

Reaching a shelter was a bittersweet moment. It marked the end of our immediate journey, but also the beginning of a new set of challenges. Life in the shelter was far from easy. Resources were scarce, and the living conditions were harsh. We weren’t also safe, because there is no safe place in Gaza, and the uncertainty of our future weighed heavily on us.

In the shelter, time seemed to stand still. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as we waited for news, for a chance to move forward, for hope. But amidst the hardship, there was also a sense of community. We were all in this together, and we supported each other in ways big and small-sharing food, looking after each other’s children, and finding solace in shared stories of loss and survival.

Starting Over: Building a New Life

Eventually, the opportunity to start over came. Resettlement in a new country brought with it a mix of relief and anxiety. I was grateful for the chance to rebuild my life, but the prospect of starting from scratch in an unfamiliar place was daunting. Language barriers, cultural differences, and the challenge of finding work made the transition difficult.

Yet, I was determined to make the most of this new beginning. Finding a job became my priority, a way to regain control over my life and create opportunities for the future.

Reflections: Strength in Adversity 

Looking back, my journey to safety was not just a physical escape from danger; it was a journey of growth, resilience, and rediscovery. I learned to adapt, to find hope in the darkest of times, and to hold on to the belief that better days would come.

Life as refugee is a reality that no one wishes for, but it is also a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Today, as I continue to build my life in safety, I carry with me the lessons of this journey-a reminder of where I came from, and the courage it took to get here.